Gyraf GSSL Buss Compressor I put this together a few years ago using some original SSL parts and the Gyraf circuit board. It sounds fantastic and provides that magic glue that the SSL Bus compressor is famous for. Its definately Read More

Gyraf GSSL Buss Compressor I put this together a few years ago using some original SSL parts and the Gyraf circuit board. It sounds fantastic and provides that magic glue that the SSL Bus compressor is famous for. Its definately Read More
Need to do some location recording? We have all the right equipment for your next project, like the Audient ASP880 mic preamp Eight superb-sounding Audient Console mic pres with 48V Phantom power State-of-the-art Burr Brown AD converter technology Variable-input impedance Variable highpass Read More
What’s In The Mic Box? Sennheiser e 906 Serenity Hill Sound currently has three Sennheiser e 906 microphones in the mic box. The e 906 is a supercardioid dynamic mic, custom designed and very versatile for a range of instruments. The Read More
We are now the proud owners of some juicy new AKG mic’s. You can never have enough mics!
Serenity Hill is a recording studio located in the hills of North West Tasmania. We are a digital and analogue recording facility that offers a comfortable and affordable space for producers and musicians.